Personal data is subject to special legal protection. For example, the Data Protection Act of the Canton of Basel-Stadt specifies which data is to be given special protection: "Personal data requiring special protection includes, in particular, information about religious, ideological or political views or activities, personal confidentiality, mental, psychological or physical condition, the use of social counselling or assistance, and information about a criminal prosecution or conviction."
Reglemente & Richtlinien
- Reglement über den Umgang mit universitären Informatikmitteln
- Regulation on the acceptable use of university IT resources
- Informationssicherheitsordnung
- Weisung zur Verwaltung persönlicher Zugangsberechtigungen zu universitären Informatikmitteln
- Richtlinien für die universellen Kommunikationsverkabelungen (UKV) der Universität Basel (PDF, 2.69 MB)
Laws & regulations
A number of laws and regulations concern the use of information technology. In particular, copyright law, criminal law (child pornography etc.) and private law (insults etc.) should be mentioned here.
- Art 13. of the Federal Constitution
- Federal Act of June 19, 1992 on Data Protection (FADP)
- Federal Ordinance to the Data Protection Act
- Civil Code: Article 28
- Information and Data Protection Act Canton of Basel-Stadt
- Data protection Canton of Basel
- Federal Data Protection Commissioner
- Guidelines for the processing of personal data in the medical sector issued by the Federal Data Protection Commissioner
- Data Protection Officer Zurich