Email & Calendar


Specifications, hints & tips

E-mails are still the most dangerous gateway for cybercrime. Therefore: If you receive e-mails from senders outside our own mail system, you must be particularly careful.

The marking [EXTERN] in the subject line indicates this increased danger.

If you do not want any marking, you can control it in Viaweb,as shown in the picture:


External Tag Viaweb

If you enable the "I do not wish to mark e-mails ..." slider, external mails will no longer be marked. However, you can re-enable the marking at any time by turning the slider off again (recommended by us).

Check your setting here:

If you have any further questions, please report them to ITS Support.

Thank you for your active cooperation in protecting against cybercrime!

There is a mailbox associated with your email address. This is the place where e-mails addressed to you arrive and are stored. The mailbox has the same role for e-mail as the letterbox has for your letter post. While employees are assigned a pre-configured e-mail address, students have to set up their e-mail account themselves.

The e-mail addresses have the following form, depending on the user group:

UserE-mail address
Other members


Normal file attachments must not exceed 50MB. Compressed archives are unpacked by the antivirus system and scanned for viruses. When decompressed, an archive may not contain more than 100 MB of data. If you wish to send large files, please use the SWITCHfilesender service.

Each user has a mailbox on the mail servers of the University of Basel. This mailbox contains the incoming mails and the e-mails moved to subdirectories (folders). All users have 5 GB (5000 MB) at their disposal. In exceptional cases, more can be requested from the ServiceDesk.

An e-mail that is to be sent via the mail system of the University of Basel may currently not exceed a total size (including all file attachments) of 50 megabytes (MB).

Nests in emails (Reply/Reply/Reply) and archives (Archive in Archive in Archive) are unpacked by the antivirus system. If the nesting depth is greater than ten levels, the system discards the mail as a virus.

File attachments are often misused to transport malware (viruses, worms, spyware). File attachments that can be executed directly are particularly dangerous. For this reason, some file attachments are blocked by the anti-virus system, even if they do not contain any known malware. To be able to send blocked file types or large files, you must use the SWITCH file sender.

Attachment types currently blocked

20.12.2019: Microsoft Office documents with macros.

The following file attachments/attachments are rejected by the University of Basel:

ADEAccess project files
ADPAccess project files
ANDAccess project files
ANIAnimated Cursor
APPLICATIONapplication installer deployed with Microsoft's ClickOnce technology
ASFStreaming audio or video
ATFSymantex pcAnywhere autotransfer
BASBasic Script
BATbatch file
CABMicrosoft cabinet archive
CHMCompiled HTML Help File
CMDWindows NT Command Script
COMMS-DOS Application
CPLControl Panel Extension
CSWindows Script file
DESKLINKShortcut link
DLLWindows DLL application
DSMNullsoft WinAmp media
DUNDUN export
FARNullsoft WinAmp media
FAVIE FAvorites list
GADGETVista Sidebar
HLPWindows Help File
HTAHTML Applications
INFSetup Information FIle
INSInternet Communication Settings
ISPInternet Communication Settings
JARJava Archive
JAVJava Applet
JAVAJava Applet
JSJScript File
JSEJScript Encoded Script File
LSFStreaming audio or video
LSXStreaming audio or video
MMCMicrosoft Management Console
MP3 MUSICMP3 Music Files
MSCMicrosoft Common Console Document
MSIWindows Installer Package
MSHMonad script file (PowerShell)
MSH1Monad script file (PowerShell)
MSH2Monad script file (PowerShell)
MSH1XMLMonad script file (PowerShell)
MSH2XMLMonad script file (PowerShell)
MSPWindows Installer Patch
MSTMicrosoft Transform
NWSOutlook Express news
OCXActiveX Objects
PDCVB compiled script
PIFShortcut to MS-DOS Program
PRFOutlook profile settings
PS1Windows PowerShell script
PS1XMLWindows PowerShell script
PS2Windows PowerShell script
PS2XMLWindows PowerShell script
PSC1Windows PowerShell script
PSC2Windows PowerShell script
REGRegistration Entries
SCFWindows Explorer command file
SCPDUN script
SCRScreen Saver
SCTWindows Script Component
SHBWindows Shortcut
SHSWindows data extract file
STMNullsoft WinAmp media/Driver
SYSSystem Config/Driver
RTFRich Text Format
ULTNullsoft WinAmp media
VBVBScript File
VBEVBScript Encoded Script File
VBSVBScript Script File
VXDdevice driver
WSWindows Script File
WSCWindows Script Component
WSFWindows Script File
WSHWindows Scripting Host Settings File